Folklore Emma Kathryn Folklore Emma Kathryn

The Witches Briar - Folklore of the Dog Rose

Come fellow seeker, enter into the garden wild where mystery and wonder echo that which can be found in the wild landscape, a microcosm of it, if you will. Here the magic shimmers in the air, is held in the blooming flowers and carried in their scent, blowing gently on the breeze or perhaps heard in the singing of the birds and the buzzing of bees.

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Animism Philip Kane Animism Philip Kane

Encounter With a Fox

Wildness is often used in our modern languages to suggest chaos, disorder. But I was granted insight in those few seconds, I think, into another kind of order that we supposedly civilised humans have lost, and that we struggle to recover.

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Land Emma Kathryn Land Emma Kathryn

The Descent of Autumn or Becoming Wild Once More

I feel at home on mornings such as this, want nothing more than to melt into the land, to glide through the woods unseen by human eyes, to breathe in that wood spice scent that only autumn brings. Even as my spirit craves this, instead I must retract my claws, disguise my wildness as I get ready for the day ahead, but for now, in this moment, this is enough.

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Folklore Emma Kathryn Folklore Emma Kathryn

Tales from the Lakes: Witches & Waterfalls

With it’s backdrop of mist shrouded hills, lakes that reflect the sky, stretching further than the eye can see, stone circles and hidden waterfalls, it feels like you’ve stepped into the pages of some epic tale of magic and knights, monsters, dragons and witches.

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recipe Emma Kathryn recipe Emma Kathryn

A Sweet Treat for the Equinox...

But it is the violets that are perhaps my favourite of the spring time plants.

They start in the corner of my garden beneath the boughs of the mature linden tree and spread across the lawn, their purple flowers like jewels in a sea of green. Violet honey is one of my favourite things to make, though only in small batches because I just can’t bring myself to pick too many of the beautiful blooms!

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Animism Emma Kathryn Animism Emma Kathryn

Rising Sun, Setting Moon ~ The Beauty in the Mundane

There is still beauty to behold in this world. Not the fake beauty of photo-shopped pictures, whether of people or places, nor the beauty of expensive possessions and luxurious homes, but instead a beauty that inspires a quiet joyousness within the heart, within the very soul, perhaps.

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Land, Holidays Emma Kathryn Land, Holidays Emma Kathryn

New Year Musings

Success to me means being able to live the type of life I want. Isn’t that each of us really want? And for most of us, this isn’t given. Just surviving requires a tremendous effort that leaves little time or effort for anything else. We have to push constantly against it.

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