The Capitalism Spectrum Disorder

How many wars

would have been fought

without monotheism?

How many cultures

would have been

attacked without monotheism?

The capitalism spectrum disorder

installs the idea of being

a manager of nature

in humans.

How do you “manage yourself”

while being yourself?


The idea of “human nature” is being sold back

to all of us

by people who seek power positions

because they want to be tyrants.

They want power so they can feel powerful.

It is incredibly weak.

They want to sell an idea of who you are to you.

As if, somehow, they know you more than you do.

Some of them refer to this as “spreading the word of God”.

Or “finding consensus”.

It is pure nonsense, nothing else.

They often say that they prefer to speak, and work,

with people, who “know how things are done”.

As if you are just a piece of a puzzle

waiting to be made, to fit in.

And then what?


They are spiritual beggars in disguise.

The disguise is an inability to truly move or be moved

which is presented to all of us as being “cool”.

The capitalism spectrum disorder is an order, a command,

directly linked to monotheism.

It is a war against the soul of being human, of being alive.

It is a frozen comfort zone inviting catastrophe

through the illusion of any final authority over nature.

There is no over nature.

Just like there is no under nature.

The capitalism spectrum disorder sells the idea of safety

through acting, and reacting, like a robot.

The capitalism spectrum disorder has nothing important to say

or offer, which it tries to hide behind manipulation.

And when left behind, it starts acting like a baby.

And then when fed again, it continues to act like a caricature

of a god.

The capitalism spectrum disorder is the body of

every male chick being gassed or ground in the slaughter industry

whose lives are deemed completely worthless.

The capitalism spectrum disorder is

all the hidden violence in the world

that is deemed necessary but is in fact

just violence against worlds within the world.


The capitalism spectrum disorder is self-injury

presented as necessary sharing.

The capitalism spectrum disorder is the ease

with which I was offered anti-psychotic medicine

because I am on the autism spectrum.

The capitalism spectrum disorder is

someone who always strikes a pose

to have their picture taken by some camera

made out of strategies,

a catwalk in an echo chamber.

The capitalism spectrum disorder

is the infinitely dysfunctional

constantly smiling to “the world”.

How many real sins against the world have been

committed in “the name of God”?

How much shame has been indoctrinated into the

minds of wonderful people on the verge of getting to

know themselves?

How many people have chosen suicide because their society

almost killed them in advance with ideas?

When will ideas of apartheid truly end

in countries like Denmark

where the government is obviously racist?

The capitalism spectrum disorder is a tunnel vision

of empty aesthetics, it is the “family” who comes

to check if they like your living room,

if it is “up to their standards”.

It is all the prejudice that kills any potentially

interesting conversation.

It is the process that tries to turn literature,

visual art or music

into a byproduct behind impenetrable layers of marketing,

reviews, reviews of reviews and debate.

It is the deeply insane idea that we are basically the same.

Clones of clones who need clones of clones.

Very similar to saying that you, your body,

just needs sugar and iron.

Good luck with that.

I still think occasionally on a little girl I met

a long time ago

who tried to lecture me, in no uncertain terms, on how to

either “get to heaven or hell”.

At the age of maybe 7, someone had already

hijacked the whole narrative about her life.

That is true crime.

Hopefully she returned to herself somehow.

If I am angry? Of course, I am angry.

Because I care about people.

Unlike brainwashers, tyrants and similar criminals

concerned with spiritual cloning and

a fear of their own mirror.

Rune Kjær Rasmussen

is an animist, writer, singer, and occasional painter from Denmark.

Check out Rune’s new book here.


At Midnight [Poetry]


Thai Water Magic and Prosperity Religion