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Gods&Radicals—A Site of Beautiful Resistance.

Posts in Environmentalism
Eco-barriers and the rescue of balance between species on the planet

Ocean pollution threatens the survival of all marine animals, and ours too. It’s difficult to understand the magnitude of the impact that litter has on our lives when we don’t see where it’s going, and how the path that leads to the extinction of so many aquatic species affects human life.

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Jumping the Gap: Where Green Transphobia Leads

While a genderless society might be the ideal, we don’t live in that society, and until we do, opposing trans rights won’t help us get there. Gender is a social construction, but if we try to eliminate the category of gender outright, then the experience of transgender people living in a cis-normative society is erased.

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The Most Dangerous Story Ever Told: Ecological Collapse, Progress, and Human Destiny

We were born here and we are meant to die here. That is our destiny. It always was. We can either embrace it, or we can continue to deny it, to tell ourselves wishful stories about interstellar travel and making a home for humans on other planets, and thereby hasten our extinction.

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Under the banner of progress: Brazil’s largest anti-illegal logging operation

This year, in the largest anti-Illegal logging operation in the history of Brazil, in the state with the highest rate of deforestation — Pará — the wood seized was of “native woods of the Amazon biome” and did not correspond with the information declared officially.

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