Caught in the Act
“Caught in the act of giving birth to a new oil-paint earth of no set design, you will lie there dying.”
New Deal, Old Science
Current Big Green proposals for a Green New Deal are coalescing around inadequate targets.
Imbolc Musings
And yet the wheel turns. Hermeticism tells us nothing stands still. The principle of rhythm is ever in effect. The cycles of nature are no different. Whether you follow the wheel of the year or not, whether you believe in it wholeheartedly or see it as a modern creation, there can be no denying that nature moves in cycles.
EMPIRES CRUMBLE, EPISODE 9: Globalization & Globalism
The ninth episode of Empires Crumble, from Alley Valkyrie & Rhyd Wildermuth
Watership Down, yer missin’ the point
On Watership Down’s change from 1978 to 2018, Druids, bio-purism and radical feminism.
In Brazil, Disaster is No Longer Impending
It’s the hearts of all of us that are being ripped out, day after day, in this system that feeds off our misery.
ANGIE SPEAKS 14: Social Justice... a clout game?
Social Justice is incredibly vulnerable to opportunistic attention-seeking, because one of the fastest ways to get attention is through outrage marketing
Reclaiming ourselves: Cutting The Cords That Hold Us Back
This is the first step in freeing ourselves, in reclaiming ourselves. Or is it the last? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Perhaps it is a process, one that starts so small we do not always realise, or maybe each step in reclaiming ourselves; the food, the medicine, the self defence, maybe it’s all a part of the cord cutting. Either way, freeing ourselves from those things that hold us back, that keep us down is a vital step in the reclaiming process.
What has happened in Venezuela?
Although it is said by authorities that Brazil has no plans to be involved in potential military conflict, the Brazilian military has significantly expanded its presence on the Venezuelan border since last month.
Separatist Me: Brazil’s 2019 presidential inauguration
An account of the day after Brazil’s 2019 presidential inauguration.
The Resilience of Small Things
These small creatures share the ability to exist in extremis ‘in the furthest reaches’ or ‘at the point of death’
Reclaiming Ourselves: The Importance of Self Defence
…this article is about self defence, which can take on many forms besides physical violence. However, as that is where the mind naturally goes when we think about self defence, that is where we shall start…
“All signs announce, the change has come. I will be something other than I started from.”