COURSE OFFERING: Circling The Star
A course from Gods&Radicals Press and Académie Hérétique
Corporatism, Degradation, and Living in a World of Catastrophe
The sad reality is that individual action is inadequate. No amount of donation, responsible eating, ethical-company-purchasing action will save anyone when your professional and economic actions work to undermine your theoretical ideals.
Alchemizing the Lead of Masculinity
2018 was a fascinating year. Its subtitle seemed to be: “Men are trash.”
The Apocalyptic Anarchist
To break the cursed loom
Of Fate and Boss alike –
In the night, we Luddites of the Firmament.
Yet should our doom arrive
(Despite/in spite/because of) our own best efforts –
"Another End of the World is Possible": Practicing the Yoga of Despair
What will it take for human beings to change? I think, maybe, it would take dying.
Looking Back, Reaching Forward: The Year in Review and The Year Ahead
Now is a good time to look back at the year that is almost over, at our victories and defeats, no matter how big or small. Doing so puts us in good stead for the year that is coming, allowing us to plan or pinpoint the course we want the year to take.
Neither guilty nor helpless
The shame is absolutely not on anyone who has supported his work; it’s completely, 100%, on him. That doesn’t mean we are helpless. We have taken action to listen, support, de-platform, and prevent.
Attack of the Karmic Nazi Cancer Shits
We, all of us, need irresponsible partying, within a bound length of time. We already have this in the form of Christmas. I argue that time is wasted getting people to call it Saturnalia and aping some lame reconstruction of Roman partying.
Empires Crumble, Episode 8: Paganism™
A new episode of Empires Crumble, from Alley Valkyrie and Rhyd Wildermuth
The Gods Behind the Church
Slovenian Christmas songs, remembering the Sun and the Water, and holding on to old traditions.
The Tomb of the Atheist
I left my inner atheist impaled upon Lugh’s shining spear in that tomb.
Land, Home, and the Gods
We cannot return to our home, any more than we can return to the wholeness that was taken from us. But we can reclaim something of our inheritance. We may light the fire in the hearth, call the gods and spirits to us, and make a new home for ourselves.
ANGIE SPEAKS 13: The History and Politics of Rave Culture
Angie examines the birth of Rave Culture, the state repression that came against it, its political possibilities, capitalist subversion of its revolutionary potential, how the left can learn from it, and what might come next
I Don't Remember Being Born to Please You
Politeness isn’t our shield, our unity is. Unity not only between women, but between all of us who are dedicated to destroying White Capitalist Patriarchy. There is no way to destroy the Patriarchy by being “gezellig”.
Yuletide Musings
“they are going to create sports pitches and even a wildlife area. A fecking wildlife area! As if the wildlife isn't already there.”
Occult Features of Anarchism by Erica Lagalisse: A Review
“Much of the European revolutionary tradition traces itself back to the 18th century, including the first stirrings of anarchist philosophy as we now know it. Much of the neopagan and occult tradition as we now know it traces back to the same era, and not at all coincidentally as author Erica Lagalisse demonstrates...” A review of Occult Features of Anarchism: With Attention to the Conspiracy of Kings and the Conspiracy of the Peoples.