Is Initiation Even Necessary?
“The true genesis of this line of thinking came from the cross section of my own initiation frustrations and being a part of the growing “weird Left” movement characterized in writers like Doctor Bones, blogs like Gods and Radicals, and podcasts like Black Banner Magic.”
La flors enversa
I dedicate this rendition to all those who live that timeless revolutionary adage, that makes one fearless and shatters despair and ennui. Ennui, that ugly beast Baudelaire thought the true Devil: Love in the face of danger.
A Radioactive Wolf Scrolling
A radioactive wolf near Chernobyl
is now looking at your Instagram account. From Rune Kjær Rasmussen
The seventh episode of Empires Crumble, from Alley Valkyrie & Rhyd Wildermuth
Reclaiming Ourselves - Food & Medicine: Part 3
I also know what it’s like to struggle to live day to day, and so I’m a believer in making the most of what you have. Exotic plants and ingredients are certainly alluring, but what’s the point of learning to use them if you can’t get hold of them, for whatever reason? It just makes sense to use what you already have or is readily available.
[Un]Conscious Colonialism – Why is “Native Spirituality” a Pagan Genre?
Being placed within Paganism for quite a few decades now, the genre of “Native Spirituality” has been a convenience entirely directed by white people.
The Path of Wyrd
"The true war against the modern world is not a war for racial or sexual hierarchy. The war against the modern world, a holy war, is debased by the bigots, who are only too quick to use it to pursue their own fantasies."
ANGIE SPEAKS 12: Jordan Peterson, Jungian Archetypes, and Masculinity
The latest episode from Angie Speaks!
How To Get Over Fake News
“thanks to ‘Democracy' we can finally see how the lives of LGBTQIA+, indigenous, black, and poor people don't really matter to the majority of voters..."
The Cloud Seeders Part Three
‘Recovering our pagan traditions we could learn again to swim in the skies, return with cloud seeds to sow new myths, new rites, to recite and paint the poetry of clouds’ - Lorna Smithers
The New Sun
For empires crumble as I’ve been told, and in the rib-caged wreckage of gray leviathans I may glimpse some hint of the blueprint of this shared corruption. I may come to comprehend why I could never mend my own desolation. I may erase my station. - From Christopher Scott Thompson
On the Use and Abuse of Rage for Life
“Will we stand idly by, cynical and apathetic, while what’s left of society is dismantled, piece by piece, as a sacrificial offering to the great god Mammon? Or will we, fueled by sheer rage, stand up as one to the orgiastic misanthropy of our “leaders” and smash their petty little self-aggrandizing ambitions into dust?”
World War I & The Birth of Mythic Nationalism
When we look around at the rise of new forms of mythic nationalism in the hands of fascist and authoritarian groups, we’re seeing a continuation of the process that governments started during World War I
Wherefore the Despair?
“I offer you a different reason to fight, beyond hope and despair, beyond a hollow victory that only restores Status Q. A reason that can exist regardless of the chances of victory, regardless of the size of that dragon.”
Abuse Within Paganism - A Taboo Topic?
We must make those who think that Paganism tolerates abusive, controlling behaviour aware that they have no place within our traditions.
Little Common People
"Acknowledging and strengthening your supportive web of equals is Right Action. Not putting value on large status symbols is Right Thinking. Be quietly comfortable; if you are well ahead you should not aspire to enter the ranks of the wealthy but be sharing more."
The Perpetual Choir
"The memory was a like a bad tooth that his tongue kept wanting to probe." From Kevan Manwaring
'A Luta Continua': The Struggle Continues
Good Morning, Brazil! And to all of you watching us from afar in this special day. Yes, today (October 28th, 2018) is election day down here...
Here is my prediction...
Reclaiming Ourselves - Back to Basics: Food & Medicine (Part 2)
The aim with these articles is to share some of the knowledge, tips and advice I've picked up along my way in the hope that they will come in useful to you in your own struggles against Capitalism.
Fighting Invisibility: Maria Lacerda and Lucy Parsons
“Anarchism has been a hostile political field to racially marginalized segments of the population, as virtually all fields were, and somehow still are. Analyzing why this is is essential so that we can unlearn this harmful behavior."